Well, the big news has finally broken, and my sekrit projekt is no longer secret!
I am writing a Marvel Zombies book!!! The Hunger will be out in August of 2023. Here’s the teaser:
“The Incident has infected the planet, creating zombified Super Heroes who destroy everything they swore to protect. Doctor Strange realizes the plague cannot be allowed to spread to other realities, but his Hunger is irresistible…
Now Earth’s only hope is the Sanctum Sanctorum librarian, Zelma Stanton. She knows every spell in the book, but she’s no fighter. Enter witch Nico Minoru, monster hunter Elsa Bloodstone, and Deadpool. They plan to trap the zombies in a time loop, but it goes horribly awry (thanks, Deadpool), crushing a million butterflies, and the timeline unravels, making the original Incident look like a cakewalk. It’s going to take magic bullets, bloodstones, and brains to fix this flesh-eating nightmare.”
No cover art yet, but for now:

Yeah, so, that’s been keeping me pretty busy, and will continue to do so into the new year.
Also, just a quick note that the December issue of Penumbric is out and you can read my poem “Soiled Dove” here.
I also have a poem (“Child Bride,” a reprint) in Mine: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror from Creature Publishing, which released on December 1st. All proceeds go to NARAL.
And you can listen to the Graymalkin Lane podcast where I get to blather on about Sisters of Sorcery and how little I know about Gwen Stacy here. Also bonus Tristan Palmgren’s cat licking itself during recording! LOL.
Everything Else
Chances are good I won’t post again before 2023, so Happy Whatever You Do Or Don’t Celebrate & may next year be better than this one for all of us!