Category Archives: Mental Health




It’s been so long since I’ve updated this blog, you probably wondered if I was even still writing, LOL. I am! I have stuff to talk about! I’ve just been floundering in the Sea of Overwhelm, so actually sitting down to recap All The Things has seemed nigh impossible (this is why you should definitely follow me on social media – I post updates there much more regularly).

Some things:

I sold a poetry chapbook! I can’t give you all of the deets just yet, but the poems revolve around my experiences as a Métis woman and was blurbed by Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray (who also happens to be my cousin, but you can’t be a Métis person from Montana and not be cousins, so…). Anyway, I’m super excited about this, since it’s been a goal of mine for a long time now.

I have a SF story, “The First Gate,” coming out in Permutations: A Well World Anthology, slated for March 2025. My story features the Betareds, which are basically giant teddy bears with red eyes and fangs. Seems on brand, no? You can read more about that here.

I have an alternate history story, “Our Lady of the Gatling Gun,” coming out in the Shifting, Swirling, HERitage anthology. In my timeline, the Métis women lead their people to victory at Batoche, forever altering the history, culture, and geography of western Canada and the US, and ultimately the entire world. The story features my own Métis ancestors, Charlotte Adam(s) LaFountain and Madeleine Ross LaFountain, as well as relatives by marriage, Madeleine Dumont (wife of Gabriel Dumont) and Marguerite Riel (wife of Louis Riel).

I will also have another story, “The Curious Incident of the Blog in the Night-Time,” coming out in the IAMTW’s Multiverse of Mystery anthology. This story features an Indigenous Holmes, a Pinkerton Watson, and a monster…or does it?

I was a contributor to WordFire Press’s upcoming Shadows & Verse: Classic Dark Poems with Celebrity Commentary. Which I guess makes me a celebrity? LOL

I made an appearance on Russ’s Rockin’ Rollercoaster, doing an episode on tie-in writing with fellow tie-in authors Jennifer Brody and Dayton Ward. You can watch that here, if you’re so inclined.

I was also interviewed over on the Horror Writers Association website RE: the intersection between horror and mental health.

Oh, and I just found out my poem, “Tapping on the Void,” was selected to be in the SFPA’s Dwarf Stars Anthology, which also means it’s been nominated for that award. So, yaay!

Anyway, I think that’s everything.

Everything Else

Kids. Pets. Health. Mental health. Genocide. It’s been, and continues to be, a LOT. But today is National Cancer Survivors Day, so hug ’em if you’ve got ’em, and remember to donate to your favorite cancer charity (mine is Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation).




Lots of things for you to listen to this month!

First, the SFPA has been recording some of the Long Category Rhysling Award nominees, and “Erasing Myself from the Narrative” was included (I opted not to have “Reservation Fairy Tales 101 – Final Exam” recorded because it it written in a multiple choice format that doesn’t lend itself well to reading aloud). Go give it a listen – Diane does a great job!

Then I did two podcasts. One was an interview with Rob & Guido over at the Dear Watchers podcast. That one bounced around and was a lot of fun and I think you will enjoy it. Pop over and check it out!

The other was not quite so fun. It was actually a serious panel discussion with some wonderfully compassionate ladies (and the host, Chad) about the ramifications of mind control in comics being used largely as a tool for sexual assault. Like I said, not a fun conversation, but a necessary one, and hopefully a healing one. You should head over to Graymalkin Lane the Podcast to hear that one.

Last but not least, I have my TusCon 49 schedule! The con runs from Nov 11-13, and my stuff is all on the 12th:

Autograph Session, 1-2 PM, Autograph Area
Gloria McMillan, Jay Smith, Jeffrey J Mariotte, Marsheila Rockwell

Killing Off Characters, 4-5 PM, Ballroom
Some authors love to do it. Some authors hate to do it. But you have to do it. Characters must die. But why? And how do you do it well?

Carolyn Kay, Jeffrey J Mariotte, Jennifer Roberson, Marsheila Rockwell, Marty Ketola, Thomas Watson

Writing Realistic Women, 5-6 PM, Ballroom
Striking the balance between having your female characters still female, but not insulting can be a challenge.

Beth Dolgner, Diana Terrill Clark, Heshe Leontess, Marsheila Rockwell, Sharon Skinner

I think that’s it. Hope to see some of you there!

Everything Else

Our son David and his long-time partner, Becca, have gotten engaged. We are so happy for them and can’t wait for them to start this new phase of their lives together!



Tuscon Comic-Con is less than a week away! Jeff and I will be at Table(s) 129/144 in Artist Alley and we will have a TON of new stuff for you to pick up, hopefully including early copies of Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery. We also have a panel on Saturday from 1:30-2:20 with our friend James A. Owen, “How to Write a Novel.” That should be interesting. (Jeff also has all of this stuff on his blog, including a list of some of the stuff we’ll be bringing, so do check that out.)

I also forgot to mention that my poem, “Damsel in Distress, Redux,” was solicited for the In Trouble anthology by Ominum Gatherum, in support of reproductive rights. That one is available now, at the link provided. I will also be having my poem, “Child Bride,” reprinted in a Body Autonomy Charity Anthology coming from Creature Publishing, also in support of reproductive rights. More info on that one’s availability when I have it.

And the Blog Tour for Sisters of Sorcery has ended. If you missed any of the days, I have links posted on my Instagram account, so you can find them all there.

As part of the tour, the fine folks over at The Book Network did an Author Spotlight on me, which you can read here.

And don’t forget I’m offering personalized poems, poem-spells, and one-card Tarot pulls over on my ko-fi page. Limited availability, so don’t miss out!

Everything Else

Possibly TMI for my readers on the more male end of the gender spectrum, but…menopause fucking sucks, especially for a control freak like me. Ask my poor husband, who has to deal with Irrationally Angry/Dangerously Depressed Marcy every few days (he’s been more patient and kind than anyone could ask for; I’m very lucky to have him). I’ve had some bloodwork done and will be seeing a hormone specialist, so hopefully I will be back to my normal uptight, repressed self very soon, LOL. Fingers crossed!



First off, Aconyte has set up a blog tour for Sisters of Sorcery that starts TOMORROW, Aug 15, so you should totally check out each of these fine folks to see what they have to say about the book:

Sisters of Sorcery Blog Tour Schedule.

Next, I sold another witchy horror poem! This one is called “Final Arrangements” and will appear in the Bloodless anthology from Sliced Up Press. The book releases in October (just in time for Halloween!), but you can find pre-order links here.

Speaking of which, I have enough witch poems now for a chapbook or collection, so horror poetry publishers, HMU!

I also sold a (witchy) Halloween story to a very cool market, but I’ll have to wait to tell you about that one.

Also, also, I don’t know if you know I have an Instagram page, but I’ve been posting some mini-primers on various characters who appears in Sisters of Sorcery, so you should pop over there and read up before you get your copy!

Finally, I started a ko-fi page where I’m offering personalized poems, personalized poem-spells, and one-card Tarot pulls. Just some fun stuff I like to do that I thought other people might be interested in. You should check it out if you get a chance.

Everything Else

Well, let’s see, I slipped and fell TWICE (once UP the stairs, because I am just that talented) and had a pretty bad drug interaction between my antidepressants and ginkgo balboa (which my doctor had suggested for lingering post-COVID brain fog, saying it “couldn’t hurt” – ha! joke’s on her!) of all things. I’m doing betterish now, though.

Anyway, here’s a picture from our Sedona trip. My amazing photographer/writer/lots of other stuff husband Jeff Mariotte has better ones on his social media, so you should check those out, too.

Two birds flying over Sedona

78 more days until Halloween!



June has been a busy month! First, Diet Riot:A Fatterpunk Anthology has officially released! It contains a ton of great stories, one of which is my witchy, gender-bent Bluebeard retelling, “Blue Hair.” You don’t want to miss this one!

Next, Jeff and I have another Elin and Kord story out! (Well, minus Kord.) This one is in Cosmic Horror Monthly #24, entitled “Deep Into That Darkness Peering” (which some of you may recognize as a line from Poe’s “The Raven”). They did misspell my name, but what are ya gonna do? Buy it anyway!

I also had a short story nominated for the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers Scribe Award – “Stepping Stones” from the Voices of Varuna anthology. It’s about colonization and assimilation – in space! You should pick up the antho if you haven’t already – it’s awesome!

(Also, for those of you keeping count, that’s my fourth award nomination of the year; three for poetry and one for fiction. Just, you know, if you’re keeping count.)

Finally, the poem I wrote for the Horror Writers Association’s Mental Health Initiative, “The Bullfrog and the Black Dog,” is up. You should go check it out, along with the other great work being put out by members for this initiative. The anthology, Of Horror and Hope, which has more work than is up on the website, will be out on July 1st.

Whew! That’s a lot! Hope next month is even busier!

Everything Else

Recovered from COVID only to have a tooth fracture and have to be extracted. Fun! (Not.) It’s always something, LOL.

Anyway, this is a long weekend in the US. Not much to celebrate of late, but I hope you find some space for self-care this weekend. You deserve it. (Except you, Roy. You can fuck off.)



So, it’s been forever since I last posted, I know – my baby girl graduated from high school and then 3/5 of the household came down with COVID, so I haven’t spent a ton of time at the computer.

But I do have a few things to tell you about. First, I turned in what I hope will be my final edits on Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery today. Don’t forget, the book is due out September 6, and you can (and should) pre-order here.

Also, my poem, “Damsel in Distress, Redux” (which you can read here) has been nominated for the SFPA’s Dwarf Stars Award, which honors short poetry under 10 lines.

(If you are keeping track, that’s 2 Rhysling nominations and 1 Dwarf Stars nomination for my poetry this year. Not too shabby.)

I’ve also had a poem accepted for the HWA’s Of Horror and Hope anthology, which is part of their Mental Health Initiative, an effort to promote hope and #EndTheStigma of mental health issues in the horror genre (and beyond). I’m honored to have my piece be part of such a worthy effort. They are rolling out pieces every day this month; I’m not sure if mine will be one of those posted on social media or not, but it will be in the anthology. More deets as I have them.

Also, my story “Blue Hair,” a witchy, gender-bent Bluebeard retelling, will be available in Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk Anthology later this month, so be sure and grab a copy of that.

Finally, Jeff and I will be attending the MCAO Citizen’s Academy in August, to learn more about the legal side of things for our various crime-related efforts. (Books, guys. I’m talking about books. Sheesh.)

Everything Else

Still struggling with COVID symptoms. Grateful that I’m fully vaxxed and boosted, as I know it could be much worse. Studies are showing lots of serious long-term effects even from mild cases, so stay safe (and masked), everyone!