She lives!!! LOL
It’s been a minute since I posted last. Q3 started out great, with a family trip to Europe (in which I got to celebrate the full moon inside the circle at Stonehenge; I bask in your jealousy), but I contracted Covid a few days before we came home and it’s just been one illness/injury after another since.

I’m still not at 100%, but there are a couple of things coming up that I need to let you know about, so here goes:
First, I have a new interview with the guys over at Dear Watchers which drops on Monday, where we talk about Marvel Zombies: The Hunger, formative horror movies and novels, and our shared love of the spooky season in general. You may remember I did an interview with them for Sisters of Sorcery last year that turned out to be their most listened-to podcast of the year, so be sure you listen to this one and let’s try for a two-fer!
Second, Marvel Zombies: The Hunger releases THIS Tuesday, October 3rd, so be sure and swing by your local bookstore and pick up a copy!
I’m sure there’s more that happening during The Q3 from Hell, but hopefully you follow me on social media and saw anything important there.
We also unexpectedly lost our beloved ginger catdog, Jonesy, and that devastated the whole family. I don’t know if it was more salt, yet another wound, or both, but it still hurts, and I still miss that little pest like the dickens. He went to the vet for an ultrasound and never came home. So if you’re lucky enough to have a furbaby of your own, give ’em a hug for me.

May 25, 2019 – August 25, 2023