BIRTH: c. 287
DEATH: c. 305
FEAST DAY: November 25
PATRONAGE: Unmarried girls; apologists; craftsmen who work with a wheel (potters, spinners); archivists; dying people; educators; girls; jurists; knife sharpeners; lawyers; librarians; libraries; maidens; mechanics; millers; milliners; nurses; philosophers; preachers; scholars; schoolchildren; scribes; secretaries; spinsters; stenographers; students; tanners; theologians; haberdashers; wheelwrights
PERSONAL RELEVANCE: Though she isn’t explicitly a patroness of writers, there are many writing-adjacent professions listed above, and I have always considered St. Catherine my writing patroness. Long-time readers may note that I have thanked “Catherine” in the acknowledgements of all of my published books to date. This is the mysterious Catherine to whom I have been referring. Many writers have muses; I guess you could say she is mine.