DEATH: c. 303
FEAST DAY: April 19
PATRONAGE: against procrastination; emergencies; expeditious solutions (especially with respect to lawsuits); merchants; navigators; revolutionaries
PERSONAL RELEVANCE: St. Expedite is often invoked by those wishing for a speedy and favorable resolution to a lawsuit. Long-time readers will recall the car accident in 2019 where I was rear-ended by an on-duty police officer and left permanently disabled. Of course we sued the relevant city to recover medical costs, lost wages, etc. I prayed to St. Expedite over the course of the lawsuit and did a novena in the nine days leading up to our settlement conference. We were able to settle the lawsuit and end the long nightmare. Many novenas include a promise to the saint in question that you will do something to promote their veneration should your prayer be answered; hence this page. Thanks, St. Expedite!