Jeff and I were at the Red Mountain Library in Mesa this past Saturday, and not only did we see some old friends (Hi, Jan, Sharon, & Bob!), but we made some new ones, like Danny from PopCultX, an awesome site for GenXers who love pop culture (which would be most of you reading this, so go check it out).
I sold a couple more poems; more on that when the contract is signed (you know the drill). Also, the chapbook containing my poem about being Métis, “The Things We Pass Down,” titled Wanderers, will be available for purchase December 15! But you can preorder it now! You should do that. Poetry makes a great holiday gift.
Everything Else
This week has seen some storm clouds that have been hanging over us for a very long time begin to clear. We want to thank all our friends and loved ones who have stuck by us, and give a special shout-out to St. Expedite for answered prayers. So here is a virtual offering of some of his favorite things: red carnations, pound cake, and whiskey.