Happy Pre-Aries Season! LOL.
First, a second poem of mine, “Erasing Myself from the Narrative,” published over at Lorelei Signal, was also nominated for the Rhysling Award in the Long form category! Yaay!
Second, I sold another poem! The contract is signed, so I believe it’s safe to announce that my poem, “EMDR,” about trauma therapy, will be appearing in an upcoming issue of Unnerving Magazine. My first time being published in this cool horror venue!
Third, today is the last day to get in your nominations for the Nebula Award, so if you’re still reading, I have eligible work!
Also, Jeff and I will be at Tucson Festival of Books on March 12-13 with the Artisans of Words and Wonders in Tent #116 (formerly the Desert Dreams Conference tent). It’s pretty much the same tent in the same place, just with a new name.

Anyway, I will have a TON of new stuff available for purchase and signing, including:
Straight Outta Deadwood, which includes my Indigenous weird western horror story, “Dreamcatcher,” which Publishers Weekly said “incorporates Native American mythology” in a “fresh fashion.” (Note that dreamcatchers themselves aren’t mythology in the sense of an ancient belief – we make them and use them for the same purpose today as when we were originally gifted with them. But, whatever. Still nice to get some love from PW.)(Jeff also has a story in this.)
The One That Got Away: Women of Horror Anthology Volume 3, which includes my Stephen King homage, “The Recliner.” (Note that this story is a reprint, so if you have Bridges, you’ve already read it. But you should still pick this up for all the other great stories.)
Turning the Tied, which includes the story I wrote for my trans daughter (who was not yet out at the time), “A Prisoner Freed in Oz.” (Jeff also has a story in this.)
Voices of Varuna: A Renegade Legion Universe Anthology, which includes my Indigenous story about colonization and assimilation in space, “Stepping Stones.”
Wanderers: Poems from Those Who Cross Borders, a chapbook which includes my Métis poem, “The Things We Pass Down.”
The 2020 Rhysling Anthology, which includes my nominated poem, “Stormbound,” plus a ton of the best speculative poetry being put out today. (Also, I don’t know why, but I wound up with a metric ton of these, so please come buy some!)
And I may have this one:
Bodies Full of Burning: An Anthology of Menopause-Themed Horror, which includes my Lady Bathory story, “It Will Have Blood, They Say.” (I somehow did not order author copies of this, so am, trying to rectify that now.)”
And a bunch of the old stuff, too, though you probably have all of that by now, heh.
Anyway, come see us! It’s an outdoor event, but we’ll be wearing masks and making liberal use of hand sanitizer to do our best to keep you (and us) safe. We are also vaxxed and boosted – hopefully you are, too.
Everything Else