(Because I am masochistic, I’m going to try manually cross-posting my blog entries from Dreamwidth to here, as there is no way to do it automatically at present. If it becomes too much of a bother, I will just stick to directing the “BLOG” page over to Dreamwidth.)
First off, my poem “Erasing Myself from the Narrative” is up over at The Lorelei Signal. It’s a twisted Rapunzel retelling, and you should definitely go check it out. Go on, I’ll wait.
I have other news about a couple of projects that I am not currently at liberty to share, but I’m SUPER excited about them. I’ll let you know what’s up just as soon as I can. I think you’ll be excited, too!
Also, Jeff has a metric TON of stuff going on, including the release of the historical epic, Blood and Gold: The Legend of Joaquin Murietta. It’s all very exciting, but I’ll let him tell you about it.
Everything Else
Facebook and Instagram were down all day yesterday. It cost Mark Zuckerberg $7 billion dollars and I’m not sure he even noticed. Meanwhile, my Twitter feed is full of folks needing GoFundMes to pay for their medical bills. There is something deeply flawed in our society when one man (or a handful of men) could pay off every single medical bill, mortgage, and college tuition in this country and still have millions left over, and yet we still have people losing their homes because some of their genes decided to mutate in a the way that kills you instead of giving you super powers.
Maybe it’s because I’m Native, but I have always understood that when you have, you give. When I was growing up, we had to live off of welfare, intermittent paydays from my step-dad’s carpenter gigs (virtually non-existent during Montana winters), food from the Mission, and grocery store dumpster diving. And my mother would still give money or food to people who had less than us.
Because when you have, you give. That’s why you have. I realize that’s a foreign concept to a lot of people these days, but it’s how we began. Maybe it’s time we remembered why.

Man is not the pinnacle of the hierarchy. There IS no hierarchy. We are all connected, all equal. That simple shift in worldview would make this planet a very different place. A better one, I’d wager.