Category Archives: Causes




It’s been so long since I’ve updated this blog, you probably wondered if I was even still writing, LOL. I am! I have stuff to talk about! I’ve just been floundering in the Sea of Overwhelm, so actually sitting down to recap All The Things has seemed nigh impossible (this is why you should definitely follow me on social media – I post updates there much more regularly).

Some things:

I sold a poetry chapbook! I can’t give you all of the deets just yet, but the poems revolve around my experiences as a Métis woman and was blurbed by Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray (who also happens to be my cousin, but you can’t be a Métis person from Montana and not be cousins, so…). Anyway, I’m super excited about this, since it’s been a goal of mine for a long time now.

I have a SF story, “The First Gate,” coming out in Permutations: A Well World Anthology, slated for March 2025. My story features the Betareds, which are basically giant teddy bears with red eyes and fangs. Seems on brand, no? You can read more about that here.

I have an alternate history story, “Our Lady of the Gatling Gun,” coming out in the Shifting, Swirling, HERitage anthology. In my timeline, the Métis women lead their people to victory at Batoche, forever altering the history, culture, and geography of western Canada and the US, and ultimately the entire world. The story features my own Métis ancestors, Charlotte Adam(s) LaFountain and Madeleine Ross LaFountain, as well as relatives by marriage, Madeleine Dumont (wife of Gabriel Dumont) and Marguerite Riel (wife of Louis Riel).

I will also have another story, “The Curious Incident of the Blog in the Night-Time,” coming out in the IAMTW’s Multiverse of Mystery anthology. This story features an Indigenous Holmes, a Pinkerton Watson, and a monster…or does it?

I was a contributor to WordFire Press’s upcoming Shadows & Verse: Classic Dark Poems with Celebrity Commentary. Which I guess makes me a celebrity? LOL

I made an appearance on Russ’s Rockin’ Rollercoaster, doing an episode on tie-in writing with fellow tie-in authors Jennifer Brody and Dayton Ward. You can watch that here, if you’re so inclined.

I was also interviewed over on the Horror Writers Association website RE: the intersection between horror and mental health.

Oh, and I just found out my poem, “Tapping on the Void,” was selected to be in the SFPA’s Dwarf Stars Anthology, which also means it’s been nominated for that award. So, yaay!

Anyway, I think that’s everything.

Everything Else

Kids. Pets. Health. Mental health. Genocide. It’s been, and continues to be, a LOT. But today is National Cancer Survivors Day, so hug ’em if you’ve got ’em, and remember to donate to your favorite cancer charity (mine is Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation).




First, the cover for Marvel Zombies: The Hunger has finally been released, and here it is:

Cover for novel Marvel Zombies: The Hunger showing a chained and zombified Dr. Strange.

Creepy, amiright? You have NO idea, LOL. Available October 3rd (but you should totally preorder, because it totally helps authors when you do that).

Also, in the days leading up the the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, the publishers of Mine: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror are doing an author read-along for each piece in the antho, from June 9th through the 24th. My reading of my poem “Child Bride” will go live on June 12th. You can find out more and follow along with all the authors here.

Author Readalong schedule for bodily autonomy horror anthology.

Also, also, while I have been announced as a guest at Tucson Comic-Con, Jeff and I will not actually be attending this year, as we will be in Montana for the Lewistown Métis Festival instead, meeting up with family and MMF folks coming down from Canada. But don’t despair – we are hoping to be at Tucson Terror Fest in October to make up for our absence at TCC, so hopefully we’ll still see some of you.

Finally, after several years without an agent (my choice, having parted ways amicably with my last agent, who was very good at his job), I have rejoined the ranks of the represented. I’ll be working with Wayne Arthurson at The Rights Factory, one of only a handful of Indigenous literary agents in North America. Should be a good partnership.

Everything Else

Happy Pride Month! And while yes, love is love, this Pride, please remember that LGBTQ+ rights are under attack and trans folx in particular face increasing danger in many places in the US, so our focus should maybe be less on catchy slogans and more on actually protecting those who need it most right now.




I’ve been feeling like I desperately need to update my blog, but now that I actually sit down to do it, I’m not sure I have all that much new to report. (Maybe it was my website…LOL)

The Rhysling Award has move to a juried process this year, so being nominated doesn’t make you an Insta-Finalist anymore. That said, two of my nominated poems ARE Rhysling Finalists (Yaay!):

Short category:

“A Spell for Winning Your Personal Injury Lawsuit” – Dreams & Nightmares

Long Category:

“EMDR” – Unnerving Magazine

Oh, and I made (created) a list for of The Best Contemporary Fantasy Books About Witches, so check that out. I hadn’t read it at the time, but if I had, I definitely would have included Cherie Dimaline’s VenCo.

They have lots of cool curated lists of witch books, so you should totally hop over there and take a peek!

Still no cover art for Marvel Zombies: The Hunger, but I will obviously post it when it drops.

Jeff and I will be doing a local library event this coming weekend:

Phoenix Public Library Con-Fusion 2023
Weird and Wild West
Ironwood Library
4333 E Chandler Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85048
Saturday, May 20th
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Jeff and I have a panel on publishing at 10 AM, and Jeff has one on weird westerns at 3 PM. They have had other events over the past several weekends, focusing on different genres, but this is the only date we could make. Come see us!

Also, I believe I will be doing a reading of some sort of my poem, “Child Bride,” as part of a readalong with the other authors involved in the Mine: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror, a charity antho whose proceeds go to NARAL. That will be on June 12th, so keep an ear out!

Okay, I think that’s everything. Further bulletins as events warrant! Heh.

Everything Else

Just a reminder: trans rights are human rights, trans women are women, trans men are men, and people who are obsessed with what’s down someone else’s pants or what bathrooms they use are creepers. Gross.


First off, I know everywhere still says Sisters of Sorcery is slated to release Sept 20 (next week), but I have been informed that the release date has been pushed back to SEPTEMBER 27. So you’ll have to wait just a tiny bit longer for your copy. Sorry about that!

Also, it will be the day of dueling releases here in Marcyville, because my husband, Jeffrey J. Mariotte, ALSO has a book releasing that day – The Squad, the first book in his new Major Crimes Squad: Phoenix series. So pick that one up, too!

It was great seeing everyone at TCC, but I got food poisoning from Denny’s pancakes on Saturday, so that ended the con early for me. Apologies to everyone who was hoping to get a signed book on Sunday. We’re planning on attending TusCon 49 in November, so hopefully you can pick one up there!

I also have an adventure in Coyote & Crow’s latest crowdfunded effort (which looks like it will be very successful). It’s my first ttrpg credit and I originally pitched it as a Scooby Doo episode, so you really don’t want to miss it!

I was also involved in Part Two of Gwendolyn Kiste’s Pro-Choice Horror Roundtable, which you can read here.

Oh, yeah, and I recently signed a contract for a Super Sekrit Project that you guys are going to LOVE. But I probably won’t be able to talk about it until next year – gotta love those NDAs, heh.

Everything Else

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. You all know this is a very important cause for me, given that my youngest son was diagnosed with neuroblastoma when he was only 4 months old. I’ll leave you with some facts and a link to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a pediatric cancer charity started by a young girl who eventually lost her battle with neuroblastoma. Please consider donating something if you can. Less than 4% of federal research dollars go to pediatric cancers, and Big Pharma has no incentive for research, given that childhood cancers are “rare” in comparison to adult ones – the ROI isn’t large enough for them to bother. So research money has to come from private sectors – that means US.



Tuscon Comic-Con is less than a week away! Jeff and I will be at Table(s) 129/144 in Artist Alley and we will have a TON of new stuff for you to pick up, hopefully including early copies of Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery. We also have a panel on Saturday from 1:30-2:20 with our friend James A. Owen, “How to Write a Novel.” That should be interesting. (Jeff also has all of this stuff on his blog, including a list of some of the stuff we’ll be bringing, so do check that out.)

I also forgot to mention that my poem, “Damsel in Distress, Redux,” was solicited for the In Trouble anthology by Ominum Gatherum, in support of reproductive rights. That one is available now, at the link provided. I will also be having my poem, “Child Bride,” reprinted in a Body Autonomy Charity Anthology coming from Creature Publishing, also in support of reproductive rights. More info on that one’s availability when I have it.

And the Blog Tour for Sisters of Sorcery has ended. If you missed any of the days, I have links posted on my Instagram account, so you can find them all there.

As part of the tour, the fine folks over at The Book Network did an Author Spotlight on me, which you can read here.

And don’t forget I’m offering personalized poems, poem-spells, and one-card Tarot pulls over on my ko-fi page. Limited availability, so don’t miss out!

Everything Else

Possibly TMI for my readers on the more male end of the gender spectrum, but…menopause fucking sucks, especially for a control freak like me. Ask my poor husband, who has to deal with Irrationally Angry/Dangerously Depressed Marcy every few days (he’s been more patient and kind than anyone could ask for; I’m very lucky to have him). I’ve had some bloodwork done and will be seeing a hormone specialist, so hopefully I will be back to my normal uptight, repressed self very soon, LOL. Fingers crossed!



Quick update to let you know about some new stuff of mine that has been (or is about to be) released into the wild.

First, a story Jeff and I wrote together, “A Single Feather,” has been updated and reprinted in Black Cat Weekly #34, so you should definitely check that out if you missed the story the first time around. It was inspired by Amanda Polchies’s iconic resistance to fracking and is dedicated to Jeff’s brother Michael Mariotte, whose own efforts to protect our Mother Earth are legendary.

Also, my SF poem “The Bones On Which They Cut Their Teeth,” is part of this very cool anthology, Resist With Every Inch and Every Breath, which comes out on May 1st, but is available for pre-order now.

Everything Else

All these laws trying to make gender-affirming care for trans youth illegal are disgusting, immoral, and downright evil. The people behind these bills DO NOT CARE about protecting kids. They just want to get rid of trans people. That is their only agenda. The definition of genocide does not currently include trying to destroy a group based on their gender identification, but make no mistake – that is what this is.

If you don’t believe me, you can read the UN’s definition for yourself:

“In the present Convention, genocide means ANY of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

*Killing members of the group;
*Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
*Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
*Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
*Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Importantly, the victims of genocide are deliberately targeted – not randomly – because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention.”

Remember, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
