Category Archives: Family



It’s funny, I’ve been thinking I really needed to write a blog post to catch everyone up, and now that I’m here, I’m not sure what I have to catch people up on, LOL.

There are a few things, though. First, I somehow completely missed this when it was published back in May, but I have an interview up over at author Nico Bell’s website, so you should go check that out.

Next, I’ve been officially announced as a Featured Author Guest for Tucson Comic-Con.

Featured Authored Guest at TCC 2022

And speaking of TCC, there is a decent chance I will have early copies of Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery there, so you can hopefully come pick up a copy and get it signed! (Of course, if you can’t make it, pre-orders are always MUCH appreciated.)

Filed under “This is not news,” my short story did not win this year’s Scribe Award, but you can check out the list of winners here.

I also have some other writing-related things going on that I’m not yet able to talk about, but hopefully soon(ish).

And that’s all she wrote, kids.

Everything Else

We took a very short trip to Sedona before school started for the youngest and now we are getting back into the swing of that whole routine, with the fun new addition of trumpet practice. Whee!



So, it’s been forever since I last posted, I know – my baby girl graduated from high school and then 3/5 of the household came down with COVID, so I haven’t spent a ton of time at the computer.

But I do have a few things to tell you about. First, I turned in what I hope will be my final edits on Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery today. Don’t forget, the book is due out September 6, and you can (and should) pre-order here.

Also, my poem, “Damsel in Distress, Redux” (which you can read here) has been nominated for the SFPA’s Dwarf Stars Award, which honors short poetry under 10 lines.

(If you are keeping track, that’s 2 Rhysling nominations and 1 Dwarf Stars nomination for my poetry this year. Not too shabby.)

I’ve also had a poem accepted for the HWA’s Of Horror and Hope anthology, which is part of their Mental Health Initiative, an effort to promote hope and #EndTheStigma of mental health issues in the horror genre (and beyond). I’m honored to have my piece be part of such a worthy effort. They are rolling out pieces every day this month; I’m not sure if mine will be one of those posted on social media or not, but it will be in the anthology. More deets as I have them.

Also, my story “Blue Hair,” a witchy, gender-bent Bluebeard retelling, will be available in Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk Anthology later this month, so be sure and grab a copy of that.

Finally, Jeff and I will be attending the MCAO Citizen’s Academy in August, to learn more about the legal side of things for our various crime-related efforts. (Books, guys. I’m talking about books. Sheesh.)

Everything Else

Still struggling with COVID symptoms. Grateful that I’m fully vaxxed and boosted, as I know it could be much worse. Studies are showing lots of serious long-term effects even from mild cases, so stay safe (and masked), everyone!



I have such catchy titles, don’t I? Heh.

Quick Tuscon Festival of Books recap:

Sold many books (sold out of a few), saw many friends, met many new people, and the weather was perfect. Here’s a picture:

Booth at Tucson Festival of Books 2022 (photo credit: Jeff Mariotte)

Yes, I know that’s a half-assed recap at best, but I am so out of spoons, I don’t even have a silverware drawer. Had a family emergency while at the festival that I had to try to handle over the phone and my youngest had surgery bright and early the day after we got back. Plus revisions on the novel for [NDA redacted]. I haven’t had a moment to breathe, let alone blog.

I do want to let you know that I’m recording a podcast interview with the lovely Vickie Lan over at Speculative Sandbox on Friday. We will be talking about Dark Triad and Light Triad personalities – aka, psychopaths! You all know that’s a favorite topic of mine, LOL. I will let you know when it is up and you can give it a listen on whatever platform you enjoy your podcasts on.

I’m also doing a some “cultural consulting” for a friend who oversees properties at an indie comics house. I’m by no means an expert on the width and breadth of Native experience, but if I can help correct misrepresentations of Native people in literature in even a small way, I am happy to do it (well, to get paid to do it – I’m not giving away emotional labor for free, and neither should you).

Also, I turned in the revisions for the above-mentioned [NDA redacted] novel. I’m really pleased with it and I can’t wait to tell you more about it – you’re going to be so excited! I know I am!

Speaking of novels, you should really check out what Jeff has been up to lately. He has SO much good stuff coming out, you won’t know what to buy first!

Everything Else

Let’s see…book festival, family emergency, son’s surgery…something else happened this week, but I can’t seem to remember what it was…

Just kidding! You all know Aries Season opens with my birthday.

This year, it also means we now have two teenaged and three adult children. My nest echoes more with every passing day. Fly and make yourselves proud, my little chicks! You don’t have to worry about making me proud of you. I always am.



First, I submitted my tie-in novel to my editor today. Hoping I can talk about it soon. I’ve seen the cover and it is GORGEOUS!

Second, my poem, “Reservation Fairy Tales 101 – Final Exam,” about #MMIWG2ST, was nominated for the 2022 Rhysling in the Long form category. Yaay!

Third, I can announce now that I made my first sale of the year! My story, “Blue Hair,” a Dark & Twisty gender-swapped witchy Bluebeard retelling, will be appearing in the super-cool Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk anthology, out in June 2022. Here’s the cover/TOC:

Fourth, my poem “The Honorable Iris C. Thaumantos, Presiding,” about a goddess who trades her rainbow for the black of a judge’s robes, will be appearing in the Musings of the Muses anthology from Brigid’s Gate Press this April. It’s available for pre-order now. You know what to do!

I think that’s everything for now. More bulletins as events warrant!

Everything Else

So, after two years of isolating, mask-wearing, social-distancing, etc., the kids got COVID. Grrr. Luckily, they were vaxxed (tested positive a week before they were scheduled for boosters), so it was pretty mild, and we are thankful for that.

Also, after more than two years of waiting, we have finally been able to schedule my youngest’s tonsillectomy. Hopefully when they are removed, his severe sleep apnea issues will resolve and he won’t have to use a CPAP anymore. Fingers crossed!

Happy Valentine’s Day if that’s your thing, and Happy Super Bowl Sunday if that’s your thing. Otherwise, happy generic weekend, because I’m pretty sure that’s everybody’s thing!