Quick update as I’m on deadline for a story, but I realized I’d been terribly remiss in not mentioning a few important things.
First, Marvel Zombies: The Hunger was nominated for the IAMTW’s Scribe Award. Alas, it did not win.
Second, and far more exciting, my first chapbook EVER came out on July 15. Blood Quantum & Other Hate Crimes, published by the fine folks over at Fallen Tree Press, contains speculative and non-speculative poems about Indigenous existence, past, present, and future. Chris La Tray, Montana’s first Métis Poet Laureate, had this to say about it:
“In BLOOD QUANTUM, Métis poet Marsheila Rockwell has delivered nothing less than a howl of defiance against erasure. Erasure of culture and of language. Erasure of experience and personhood. Erasure of an entire people’s identity and what that means for subsequent generations struggling to return to a place they’ve never been. As a Métis person myself, I’m reminded of Louis Riel’s prediction that after a century it is the artists who will return our spirit to us. With this mighty chapbook, Marsheila Rockwell is indication that Riel was correct.”
The cover art (below) was provided by Indigenous artist, Justin Beatty.

Anyway, I’m really proud of it, so I hope you will check it out and maybe leave a review if you’re so inclined. Chi miigwech!
Everything Else
Marching Band. IYKYK.