Tag Archives: Poetry



Tuscon Comic-Con is less than a week away! Jeff and I will be at Table(s) 129/144 in Artist Alley and we will have a TON of new stuff for you to pick up, hopefully including early copies of Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery. We also have a panel on Saturday from 1:30-2:20 with our friend James A. Owen, “How to Write a Novel.” That should be interesting. (Jeff also has all of this stuff on his blog, including a list of some of the stuff we’ll be bringing, so do check that out.)

I also forgot to mention that my poem, “Damsel in Distress, Redux,” was solicited for the In Trouble anthology by Ominum Gatherum, in support of reproductive rights. That one is available now, at the link provided. I will also be having my poem, “Child Bride,” reprinted in a Body Autonomy Charity Anthology coming from Creature Publishing, also in support of reproductive rights. More info on that one’s availability when I have it.

And the Blog Tour for Sisters of Sorcery has ended. If you missed any of the days, I have links posted on my Instagram account, so you can find them all there.

As part of the tour, the fine folks over at The Book Network did an Author Spotlight on me, which you can read here.

And don’t forget I’m offering personalized poems, poem-spells, and one-card Tarot pulls over on my ko-fi page. Limited availability, so don’t miss out!

Everything Else

Possibly TMI for my readers on the more male end of the gender spectrum, but…menopause fucking sucks, especially for a control freak like me. Ask my poor husband, who has to deal with Irrationally Angry/Dangerously Depressed Marcy every few days (he’s been more patient and kind than anyone could ask for; I’m very lucky to have him). I’ve had some bloodwork done and will be seeing a hormone specialist, so hopefully I will be back to my normal uptight, repressed self very soon, LOL. Fingers crossed!



First off, Aconyte has set up a blog tour for Sisters of Sorcery that starts TOMORROW, Aug 15, so you should totally check out each of these fine folks to see what they have to say about the book:

Sisters of Sorcery Blog Tour Schedule.

Next, I sold another witchy horror poem! This one is called “Final Arrangements” and will appear in the Bloodless anthology from Sliced Up Press. The book releases in October (just in time for Halloween!), but you can find pre-order links here.

Speaking of which, I have enough witch poems now for a chapbook or collection, so horror poetry publishers, HMU!

I also sold a (witchy) Halloween story to a very cool market, but I’ll have to wait to tell you about that one.

Also, also, I don’t know if you know I have an Instagram page, but I’ve been posting some mini-primers on various characters who appears in Sisters of Sorcery, so you should pop over there and read up before you get your copy!

Finally, I started a ko-fi page where I’m offering personalized poems, personalized poem-spells, and one-card Tarot pulls. Just some fun stuff I like to do that I thought other people might be interested in. You should check it out if you get a chance.

Everything Else

Well, let’s see, I slipped and fell TWICE (once UP the stairs, because I am just that talented) and had a pretty bad drug interaction between my antidepressants and ginkgo balboa (which my doctor had suggested for lingering post-COVID brain fog, saying it “couldn’t hurt” – ha! joke’s on her!) of all things. I’m doing betterish now, though.

Anyway, here’s a picture from our Sedona trip. My amazing photographer/writer/lots of other stuff husband Jeff Mariotte has better ones on his social media, so you should check those out, too.

Two birds flying over Sedona

78 more days until Halloween!



June has been a busy month! First, Diet Riot:A Fatterpunk Anthology has officially released! It contains a ton of great stories, one of which is my witchy, gender-bent Bluebeard retelling, “Blue Hair.” You don’t want to miss this one!

Next, Jeff and I have another Elin and Kord story out! (Well, minus Kord.) This one is in Cosmic Horror Monthly #24, entitled “Deep Into That Darkness Peering” (which some of you may recognize as a line from Poe’s “The Raven”). They did misspell my name, but what are ya gonna do? Buy it anyway!

I also had a short story nominated for the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers Scribe Award – “Stepping Stones” from the Voices of Varuna anthology. It’s about colonization and assimilation – in space! You should pick up the antho if you haven’t already – it’s awesome!

(Also, for those of you keeping count, that’s my fourth award nomination of the year; three for poetry and one for fiction. Just, you know, if you’re keeping count.)

Finally, the poem I wrote for the Horror Writers Association’s Mental Health Initiative, “The Bullfrog and the Black Dog,” is up. You should go check it out, along with the other great work being put out by members for this initiative. The anthology, Of Horror and Hope, which has more work than is up on the website, will be out on July 1st.

Whew! That’s a lot! Hope next month is even busier!

Everything Else

Recovered from COVID only to have a tooth fracture and have to be extracted. Fun! (Not.) It’s always something, LOL.

Anyway, this is a long weekend in the US. Not much to celebrate of late, but I hope you find some space for self-care this weekend. You deserve it. (Except you, Roy. You can fuck off.)



So, it’s been forever since I last posted, I know – my baby girl graduated from high school and then 3/5 of the household came down with COVID, so I haven’t spent a ton of time at the computer.

But I do have a few things to tell you about. First, I turned in what I hope will be my final edits on Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery today. Don’t forget, the book is due out September 6, and you can (and should) pre-order here.

Also, my poem, “Damsel in Distress, Redux” (which you can read here) has been nominated for the SFPA’s Dwarf Stars Award, which honors short poetry under 10 lines.

(If you are keeping track, that’s 2 Rhysling nominations and 1 Dwarf Stars nomination for my poetry this year. Not too shabby.)

I’ve also had a poem accepted for the HWA’s Of Horror and Hope anthology, which is part of their Mental Health Initiative, an effort to promote hope and #EndTheStigma of mental health issues in the horror genre (and beyond). I’m honored to have my piece be part of such a worthy effort. They are rolling out pieces every day this month; I’m not sure if mine will be one of those posted on social media or not, but it will be in the anthology. More deets as I have them.

Also, my story “Blue Hair,” a witchy, gender-bent Bluebeard retelling, will be available in Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk Anthology later this month, so be sure and grab a copy of that.

Finally, Jeff and I will be attending the MCAO Citizen’s Academy in August, to learn more about the legal side of things for our various crime-related efforts. (Books, guys. I’m talking about books. Sheesh.)

Everything Else

Still struggling with COVID symptoms. Grateful that I’m fully vaxxed and boosted, as I know it could be much worse. Studies are showing lots of serious long-term effects even from mild cases, so stay safe (and masked), everyone!



Quick update to let you know about some new stuff of mine that has been (or is about to be) released into the wild.

First, a story Jeff and I wrote together, “A Single Feather,” has been updated and reprinted in Black Cat Weekly #34, so you should definitely check that out if you missed the story the first time around. It was inspired by Amanda Polchies’s iconic resistance to fracking and is dedicated to Jeff’s brother Michael Mariotte, whose own efforts to protect our Mother Earth are legendary.

Also, my SF poem “The Bones On Which They Cut Their Teeth,” is part of this very cool anthology, Resist With Every Inch and Every Breath, which comes out on May 1st, but is available for pre-order now.

Everything Else

All these laws trying to make gender-affirming care for trans youth illegal are disgusting, immoral, and downright evil. The people behind these bills DO NOT CARE about protecting kids. They just want to get rid of trans people. That is their only agenda. The definition of genocide does not currently include trying to destroy a group based on their gender identification, but make no mistake – that is what this is.

If you don’t believe me, you can read the UN’s definition for yourself:

“In the present Convention, genocide means ANY of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

*Killing members of the group;
*Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
*Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
*Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
*Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Importantly, the victims of genocide are deliberately targeted – not randomly – because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention.”

Remember, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.




So, Marvel dropped the cover for Marvel Untold: Sisters of Sorcery sooner than I was expecting. You can check it out on their website here, and read the teaser copy. Here’s another look at the cover, which includes many of the “sisters” in question:

(art by Fabio Listrani)

The book is due out September 6th of this year, but remember that preorders –> future contracts, so please do get your order in soon!

Also, my trauma therapy poem, “EMDR,” is out in the new issue of Unnerving Magazine. And, no, it’s not at all autobiographical, why would you think that? LOL. April is National Poetry Month, so treat yourself!

Finally, my interview with Vickie Lan about Dark Triad Personalities (Psychopaths! Fun!) will be up on the Speculative Sandbox podcast next Wednesday, April 13th, so you should definitely give that a listen. Here are some fun teaser graphics:

(graphic courtesy of Vickie Lan)
(graphic courtesy of Vickie Lan)

Everything Else

Greedy little bastards, aren’t you? J/K

That’s it for now. Happy Cruelest Month!



Happy Pre-Aries Season! LOL.

First, a second poem of mine, “Erasing Myself from the Narrative,” published over at Lorelei Signal, was also nominated for the Rhysling Award in the Long form category! Yaay!

Second, I sold another poem! The contract is signed, so I believe it’s safe to announce that my poem, “EMDR,” about trauma therapy, will be appearing in an upcoming issue of Unnerving Magazine. My first time being published in this cool horror venue!

Third, today is the last day to get in your nominations for the Nebula Award, so if you’re still reading, I have eligible work!

Also, Jeff and I will be at Tucson Festival of Books on March 12-13 with the Artisans of Words and Wonders in Tent #116 (formerly the Desert Dreams Conference tent). It’s pretty much the same tent in the same place, just with a new name.

Members of the Artisans of Words and Wonders who will be in attendance at the 2022 Tucson Festival of Books

Anyway, I will have a TON of new stuff available for purchase and signing, including:

Straight Outta Deadwood, which includes my Indigenous weird western horror story, “Dreamcatcher,” which Publishers Weekly said “incorporates Native American mythology” in a “fresh fashion.” (Note that dreamcatchers themselves aren’t mythology in the sense of an ancient belief – we make them and use them for the same purpose today as when we were originally gifted with them. But, whatever. Still nice to get some love from PW.)(Jeff also has a story in this.)

The One That Got Away: Women of Horror Anthology Volume 3, which includes my Stephen King homage, “The Recliner.” (Note that this story is a reprint, so if you have Bridges, you’ve already read it. But you should still pick this up for all the other great stories.)

Turning the Tied, which includes the story I wrote for my trans daughter (who was not yet out at the time), “A Prisoner Freed in Oz.” (Jeff also has a story in this.)

Voices of Varuna: A Renegade Legion Universe Anthology, which includes my Indigenous story about colonization and assimilation in space, “Stepping Stones.”

Wanderers: Poems from Those Who Cross Borders, a chapbook which includes my Métis poem, “The Things We Pass Down.”

The 2020 Rhysling Anthology, which includes my nominated poem, “Stormbound,” plus a ton of the best speculative poetry being put out today. (Also, I don’t know why, but I wound up with a metric ton of these, so please come buy some!)

And I may have this one:

Bodies Full of Burning: An Anthology of Menopause-Themed Horror, which includes my Lady Bathory story, “It Will Have Blood, They Say.” (I somehow did not order author copies of this, so am, trying to rectify that now.)”

And a bunch of the old stuff, too, though you probably have all of that by now, heh.

Anyway, come see us! It’s an outdoor event, but we’ll be wearing masks and making liberal use of hand sanitizer to do our best to keep you (and us) safe. We are also vaxxed and boosted – hopefully you are, too.

Everything Else




First, I submitted my tie-in novel to my editor today. Hoping I can talk about it soon. I’ve seen the cover and it is GORGEOUS!

Second, my poem, “Reservation Fairy Tales 101 – Final Exam,” about #MMIWG2ST, was nominated for the 2022 Rhysling in the Long form category. Yaay!

Third, I can announce now that I made my first sale of the year! My story, “Blue Hair,” a Dark & Twisty gender-swapped witchy Bluebeard retelling, will be appearing in the super-cool Diet Riot: A Fatterpunk anthology, out in June 2022. Here’s the cover/TOC:

Fourth, my poem “The Honorable Iris C. Thaumantos, Presiding,” about a goddess who trades her rainbow for the black of a judge’s robes, will be appearing in the Musings of the Muses anthology from Brigid’s Gate Press this April. It’s available for pre-order now. You know what to do!

I think that’s everything for now. More bulletins as events warrant!

Everything Else

So, after two years of isolating, mask-wearing, social-distancing, etc., the kids got COVID. Grrr. Luckily, they were vaxxed (tested positive a week before they were scheduled for boosters), so it was pretty mild, and we are thankful for that.

Also, after more than two years of waiting, we have finally been able to schedule my youngest’s tonsillectomy. Hopefully when they are removed, his severe sleep apnea issues will resolve and he won’t have to use a CPAP anymore. Fingers crossed!

Happy Valentine’s Day if that’s your thing, and Happy Super Bowl Sunday if that’s your thing. Otherwise, happy generic weekend, because I’m pretty sure that’s everybody’s thing!



It’s poetry award season! Specifically, the Rhysling Award, which I have been nominated for a gajillion times, but have never actually won. Maybe this year, LOL.

Anyway, here is a list of my eligible poems and where to find them. If you are a voting member of SFPA, these poems should be up in the member area.

  • “Reservation Fairy Tales 101 – Final Exam,” Augur Magazine 4.1, Nov 2021
  • “Erasing Myself from the Narrative,” The Lorelei Signal, Oct 2021
  • “Triple Moons,” Scifaikuest, Aug 2021
  • “Once Upon a Starbucks,” Scifaikuest, Aug 2021
  • “Damsel in Distress Redux,” Star*Line 44.3 (Editor’s Choice), Summer 2021
  • “Cylindropuntia Spatium,” Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, June/July 2021
  • “Swim Test,” Star*Line 44.1, Winter 2021
  • Wish me luck!

    Everything Else

    I have a book due in mid-February, so that, PT, and pandemic parenting are my whole life at the moment and so I am even more boring than usual, LOL.

    Here, have a picture of one of our neighborhood strays, whom we have named Socks, hanging out in our backyard.

    A picture of the neighborhood stray cat, Socks, chilling in our backyard.



    So, everyone is doing their end-of-year posts. I don’t usually do these, but it’s been a rough year and I’m proud of the things I managed to accomplish despite that.

    In 2021, I:

  • Sold 13 new poems; saw 7 of those published
  • Sold 4 new stories; saw 3 of those published
  • Pitched, sold, & delivered a story for a WFH RPG anthology; saw it published
  • Pitched, scripted, sold, & delivered a comic book story
  • Pitched, sold, & delivered a WFH RPG adventure
  • Pitched & sold a WFH novel

  • (I can’t talk about those last two yet, but will of course share more when I can.)

    That’s a lot for me, especially considering that the nerve issues in my neck I’ve been dealing with since I was rear-ended in 2019 make it so I can’t spend a lot of time at the keyboard.

    Things I am looking forward to in 2022:

  • Finishing & delivering the WFH novel
  • Writing a solicited story for a WFH anthology

  • More RPG work? More WFH work? Nothing firm in those areas yet, but some good possibilities, so we’ll see.

    Also, I got this really nice tweet about my poem, “The Things We Pass Down,” in the Wanderers chapbook. (Note that “moved” in the tweet should be “woven.” Thanks, autocorrect! LOL)

    Nice tweet about my poem, “The Things We Pass Down.”

    Everything Else

    I hope you all had a wonderful [insert your preferred winter holiday/break], that you have a very happy New Year’s Eve/Day, and that 2022 makes up for how crappy 2020 & 2021 have been for most of us.

    A cool blurry picture of my youngest with a sparkler on New Year’s Eve (2020).